Assessment of trans-fats in the Maldivian diet


frequency of consumption
TFA level
Maldivian diet

How to Cite

Assessment of trans-fats in the Maldivian diet. (2022). The Maldives National Journal of Research, 10(2), 30-44.


Consumption of trans-fatty acids (TFA), which are unsaturated fatty acids, are associated with increased risk of non-communicable diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the trans-fat content in foods consumed by the Maldivian population and their frequency of consumption of fatty foods likely to contain TFA. The methodology consists of a cross-sectional survey of 600 participants. A screening questionnaire was used to measure/assess the frequency of consumptions of foods containing trans-fats. The results showed that the frequency of consumption of foods containing trans-fats/trans-fatty acids were low among the study participants. Some participants reported that they consume locally-made foods or imported foods which contain trans-fats. Since the Maldives do not have legislations to ban trans-fats from food supplies, the country may be vulnerable to importing foods containing high trans-fats. Therefore, the Maldives may need to consider developing policies on TFA content in oils and foods. 



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