A quantitative analysis was carried out to determine the impact of parental divorce as a predictor of children’s attachment style in their adult intimate relationships using the Experiences in Close Relationship (ECR) Scale in combination with general demographics of the participants as well as their circumstances of the familial relationship with the divorced parents and stepfamilies. The questionnaire was set up using Google Form online tool. The link for the online questionnaire was shared among various social media groups, requesting participants aged 18 and above who have experienced parental divorce in their childhood. A total of 113 completed questionnaires were received (from 24 males and 89 females). The findings from this research construed anxious-preoccupied attachment style as the most prevalent among the participants. The analysis of the results show that these participants have a negative outlook on themselves and a positive outlook on others. The findings also show the importance of devising informed interventions and incorporating them in the relevant laws and policies to tackle the extremely high divorce rate in the Maldives.
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