Does context make a difference? School Leaders’ Perceptions of School Closures across the Maldives during COVID-19


Policy implementation
School context
Educational Leadership
School autonomy
Contextual Decision-making

How to Cite

Does context make a difference? School Leaders’ Perceptions of School Closures across the Maldives during COVID-19. (2024). The Maldives National Journal of Research, 12(2), 79-95.


Contextual features are crucial elements to consider in any decision-making process regarding a school’s teaching and learning processes. However, a lack of attention to specific contextual features is evident in educational policy decision-making. A qualitative case study across the Maldives revealed that school leaders’ primary concerns were students’ safety, completing the syllabus or curriculum, and the lack of consideration for a school’s context. The participants highlighted the importance of acknowledging the contextual realities of individual schools and involving stakeholders to make effective decisions regarding school operations. These findings have implications for educational policy decision-making, particularly under unprecedented circumstances.



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