Exploring the Nexus Between Child Unintentional Injuries and Parental Smartphone Distraction: A Narrative Review of Studies, News Reports, and Rising Cases


Mobile phone distraction
Smartphone distraction
Parental supervision
Unintentional injuries

How to Cite

Exploring the Nexus Between Child Unintentional Injuries and Parental Smartphone Distraction: A Narrative Review of Studies, News Reports, and Rising Cases. (2024). The Maldives National Journal of Research, 12(1), 58-81. https://doi.org/10.62338/ewte8762


This review explores the impact of smartphone use on parenting practices and parental supervision. With the pervasive presence of smartphones in daily life, there is growing concern about their potential to distract parents and interrupt effective parenting. The purpose of this review is to synthesise the existing literature on how smartphone usage affects parental attention and supervision. Collected research papers and news reports have highlighted that parents’ excessive smartphone use has contributed to distracted parental supervision, uninvolved parenting, unintentional injuries, and fatalities among children. This review examines studies from various databases, focusing on information related to smartphone distraction among parents. Key findings indicate that high smartphone use is associated with reduced quality of parental interactions and inadequate supervision, leading to increased risks for children. The review concludes that while smartphones provide significant benefits, their overuse poses substantial risks to child safety and development. Future research should aim to develop strategies to mitigate these negative impacts and promote balanced smartphone use in family contexts.



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