Internationalization of Curriculum (IoC) in Higher Education: A Global Cooperative Strategy


Internationalization of Curriculum (IoC)
internationalization of higher education(IoHE)
intercultural competence
graduate attributes
global competencies
Higher education

How to Cite

Internationalization of Curriculum (IoC) in Higher Education: A Global Cooperative Strategy. (2024). The Maldives National Journal of Research, 12(1), 7-21.


Research indicates that recent advancements in information and communication technologies have introduced new implications for the internationalization of higher education institutions. The aim of this review is to study the extent of the Internationalization of Curriculum (IoC) in higher education from a global perspective. Databases including ERIC, Academic Search Premier, and HINARI were used to search for relevant literature. The search was conducted with combinations of the search terms: Internationalization, Curriculum, Higher education, and graduate attributes. The review identified extensive references to the internationalization of curriculum in higher education across the globe including American, African, European, Middle Eastern and Asian countries. The analysis of the findings has indicated IoC implementation as a complex process involving various actors stakeholders such as teachers, students, and other institutional leaders. Findings have also highlighted that implementation of IoC accompanies several challenges, which the stakeholders need to address during the process of selecting the contents, ways of teaching, and evaluating, also including institutional, social, and political support from within and outside the institutions. The aspect of graduate attributes has been minimally explored in terms of IoC. There is a great deal of available literature which emphasizes the need for Internationalization in Higher Education Institutions (HIEs) to extend beyond the mobility of students, staff, and faculty through international affiliations and global partnerships. The findings have raised questions for further research to include a wider cohort from various disciplines in higher education. Students’ and teachers’ perspectives and attitudes towards IoC must be studied to further understand the need for its development.



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