Validating Meyer and Allen’s Three Component Model Employee Commitment Survey in the Context of the Resort Sector of the Maldives


organisational commitment
three-component model
island resorts
construct validity
cross-cultural differences

How to Cite

Validating Meyer and Allen’s Three Component Model Employee Commitment Survey in the Context of the Resort Sector of the Maldives. (2023). The Maldives National Journal of Research, 11(2), 65-82.


This research aims to analyse the validity and reliability of the Three-Component Model (TCM) Employee Commitment Survey and discover the components of Organisational Commitment (OC) in the context of the Maldives resort sector. This research used the revised version of the TCM by Meyer et al. (1993). The literature reports many issues related to its theory and construct validity. The fact that TCM was developed in Western culture and lacks validation in the Maldivian context reveals the necessity to conduct this study. Towards this, the current study employed 250 employees from the resorts of the Maldives. The results of CFA revealed affective commitment is the only component that constitutes OC. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in OC from different cultural perspectives



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