Systematic Review: Vitamin D Deficiency in Women and Correlation with Lifestyle for Women: A Focus on Asian Women


Vitamin D Deficiency

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Systematic Review: Vitamin D Deficiency in Women and Correlation with Lifestyle for Women: A Focus on Asian Women. (2023). The Maldives National Journal of Research, 11(2), 7-18.


Inadequate vitamin D levels are a worldwide health problem that threatens not just bone health but also other aspects of human wellness. Because Asian women are a distinct demographic shaped by culture, location, and personal decisions, this systematic review explores the nuanced connection between lifestyle variables and vitamin D insufficiency in this population. The study’s primary aim is to answer three research questions about deficiencies: (1) the lifestyle factors that contribute to them, (2) the effects on health as a whole, and (3) the most effective interventions and remedies. Keywords: COVID-19 crisis, public opinion, Maldives, preferences, values
The results show that vitamin D insufficiency in Asian women is highly influenced by clothing choices, occupational limits, and regional differences in sun exposure. The deficiency, in turn, is shown in the literature, to be associated with diverse health consequences, including infertility, metabolic syndrome, and pregnancy-related complications. To mitigate deficiency, culturally sensitive interventions are essential. Optimizing safe sun exposure, dietary modifications, supplementation, education, and specialized prenatal care offer promising strategies. Healthcare providers and policymakers must collaborate to develop comprehensive, culturally tailored approaches to address vitamin D deficiency among Asian women, ultimately enhancing their health and quality of life. This systematic review contributes critical insights into a multifaceted health issue and emphasizes the importance of personalized interventions within this specific demographic.



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