Divorce is a transition that brings considerable emotional, physical, and economic changes to a person. While navigating this complex adjustment can be challenging and unsettling for both parties involved, these difficulties may vary for men perceived as less expressive than women. This research aims to identify the challenges men face after a divorce. The study will also explore how these challenges influence and shape how they move on in life. This research employs qualitative semi-structured one-to-one interviews and an online focus group discussion. Interview participants included divorced men from three socio-economic backgrounds who were willing to share their experiences. The online focus group comprised of divorced men discussing life after divorce in a generic context. Thematic analysis of participant responses, guided by relevant literature, focused on identifying the challenges men encounter and evaluating the impact of these challenges on their lives. The findings indicate that the degree of conflict between divorcing individuals during and after their separation significantly influences how men cope with the divorce and the intensity of post-divorce challenges. Notably, maintaining an amicable relationship with their ex-wife, particularly when children are involved, emerged as a significant topic of concern. Participants emphasised the need for psychological support throughout the divorce process and beyond. They highlighted interventions such as advice on effective co-parenting strategies and the implementation of parenting plans to facilitate active father involvement in raising their children even when the child primarily resides with the mother post-divorce. These findings suggest implications for policy changes aimed at promoting smoother post-divorce transitions for all parties involved.
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