Ethnomathematics is the study of mathematics that takes into consideration the culture in which mathematics arises. It is a subject that values and recognises the contributions of all cultures to the development of mathematics. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of indigenous thinking in the Maldives with respect to counting and measuring that are found in the Maldivian society and are related to traditional and cultural contexts, so that these ideas can be considered for inclusion in future primary mathematics curricula in the Maldives. The fieldwork and data collection was done in the Maldives. Data was collected through interviews with people who do practical work as part of their everyday life, and informal discussions held with historians, mathematicians, mathematics teachers, teacher educators and mathematics students. In total, 91 interviews and informal discussions were conducted. The study also involved the analysis of documents focussed on finding the sources of mathematics, and mathematics currently used in the Maldives. The data from interviews and document analysis show that counting and measuring are in the Maldivian culture even though people may not identify these as mathematics. Cultural contexts in the Maldivian society where counting and measuring are evident include fishing, boat building, building and construction, agriculture, astronomy and navigation, house work, mat weaving, rope making and toddy collecting. The evidence from informal interviews with historians and mathematicians, and document analysis show that initially Arabia and South Asia (mainly India) influenced Maldivian mathematics, and later the Britain. In conclusion, this study identified the Maldivian mathematical ideas related to counting and measuring thereby arguing that mathematics is not culture free. Mathematics exists in every culture even though the way ideas are expressed and emphasised vary from culture to culture.
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