Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a cognitive factor closely associated with feelings of anxiety that can be relieved through the use of social media. The aim of the study is to determine whether FOMO predicts social media use and addiction among Maldivians. A cross-sectional study design is adopted and a stratified sample of 385 Maldivian adults is selected residing in the capital city, Male’. Data is collected using four instruments: Fear of Missing Out Scale, Bergin Social Media Addiction Scale, Social Media Engagement Scale, and a demographic questionnaire. An independent regression analysis revealed that FOMO significantly accounted for 26% variance in social media use and 32% variance in social media addiction among Maldivian adults. Additionally, a multiple linear regression analysis revealed that social media use was the main mediating factor between FOMO and social media addiction. The findings of the study reveals that Maldivians are vulnerable to a high level of FOMO as well as social media addiction. Implications are then drawn for clinicians to conduct therapy interventions for social media addictions.
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