Migrant workers from The People’s Republic of Bangladesh play a crucial role in the foreign labour force of the Maldivian economy, but their access to healthcare is influenced and shaped by a complex interplay of socioeconomic factors. This study investigates the intricate relationship between these factors and health-seeking behaviors among Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malé, the capital of Maldives.This is a quantitative cross-sectional study with a target sample of 400 participants identified via convenience sampling. This study is designed to assess the socioeconomic factors that influence the health-seeking behaviors of Bangladeshi migrant workers living in Malé, Maldives. A structured questionnaire administered via face-to-face interviews were used to conduct this study.The findings of the study reveal that employment categories, level of education, health insurance coverage, living and family conditions, legal status, working hours and awareness of healthcare services all influence the health-seeking behaviors of Bangladeshi migrant workers. The result of the study also highlights the challenges and barriers faced by the Bangladeshi migrant worker population in accessing healthcare in the capital city of Maldives, where language and cultural differences may be contributing to exacerbate existing disparities.This research contributes towards attaining a better understanding of the healthcare needs of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malé and suggests recommendations aimed at improving access to healthcare services among migrant workers. By recognizing and addressing the socioeconomic determinants that impact their health-seeking behaviors, the study seeks to promote more equitable healthcare provision and eventually enhance the overall well-being of this vulnerable population.
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