Designing Learning Spaces for Effective Learning


Development Processes
Learning Spaces
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Ubiquitous Learning

How to Cite

Designing Learning Spaces for Effective Learning. (2018). The Maldives National Journal of Research, 6(1), 7-18.


The connections between the design and use of space in higher education, and the production of teaching and learning, and of research, are not well understood. This study reports the developmental steps prior building the learning spaces in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Space issues in higher education have usually been considered either in the context of space planning (the aim of which is to provide appropriate amounts of space for defined uses, and to maximise its use once provided) or as part of campus planning and building design. The findings report the level of design effectiveness of the learning spaces in USIM. The recommendation from learning space users to be utilised on the design improvement for the next learning spaces in USIM will be reported in this study



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